Published on July 30, 2020
Over the course of six years, 1,271 emergency alerts have been sent to residents via Weld County’s CodeRED Emergency Alert System. Have you signed up to receive emergency alerts? If you’re already registered, you’ll receive an automated call on Tuesday, August 4, at 10:00 a.m. An automated message via telephone will allow Weld County to test the system as well as encourage residents and their families to sign up for severe weather alerts through CodeRED.
Since November 2014, residents have received 505 emergency alerts about various emergency events as well as 766 alerts pertaining to severe weather warnings.
Used by public safety officials, CodeRED is a system designed to inform the public of immediate threats to health and safety. Residents who sign up to receive emergency alerts will be notified when an emergency is happening in their area. Examples of messages residents may receive include severe weather situations, a notice that individuals should stay inside due to critical police activity or a “boil water” order if water systems are compromised.
Signing up for severe weather alerts will allow residents to receive automated alerts the moment they are immediately impacted by severe weather. Alerts for severe thunderstorms, flash floods and tornadoes will be delivered via phone call, text, email or a combination of all three, based on the individual’s preferences.
To sign up for CodeRED Weather Warning alerts, visit or call (970) 304-6540.